Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Reviewing the 500 words approach

I had to backtrack a little - the list from opensubtitles has some issues:

  1. There's a lot of slang and duplicates, and it took a lot of effort to try and remove these
  2. Conjugation is more complicated than in a lot of other languages, so it's hard to pull apart all the different verbs into their infinitives
  3. Serbian is a slavic language and they decline adjectives and nouns, as well as gendering adjectives, meaning a lot of work to try and unpack these into nominative masculine form
I started from scratch and built a word list from https://fastlanguagemastery.com/400-most-common-words/

I've removed a few words as some of them don't make sense (the/a etc), and some duplicates, and it comes to around 350 words. I've done all the verbs and already this feels a lot more useful, and once I've got the nouns and adjectives down I'll feel a lot more comfortable.

There's another thing I've forgotten about, and that's how hard it is to keep motivated at the start. The first month is the worst, so finding other ways to keep motivated is very important here. Variety helps, and anything tangentially related is going to be somewhat useful.

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